AppsTool Developer Apps

iLikeOutlet 1.0
I Like Outlet îți oferă produse de la branduriconsacrate la prețuri imbatabile! Nu rata nici o ofertă și fiiprimul care află noutățile din magazinele noastre! La I Like Outletpoți găsi cu ușurință lucrurile de care ai nevoie - haine,încălțăminte și accesorii pentru femei, bărbați cât și pentrucopii.I Like Outlet offers youproducts from established brands at unbeatable prices! Do not missany offer and be the first to know what's new in our stores! I LikeOutlet can easily find the things you need - clothes, shoes andaccessories for women, men and children.
AppsTool 1.7 provides a set of online toolsthat help build and design iPhone/Android applications using HTMLand CSS.It's a WYSIWYG html editor which simplifies design anddevelopment of mobile HTML.
Christine Valmy 1.0
Christine Valmy International School is arenowned beauty school committed to helping their students realizetheir full potential and achieve their greatest professionalambitions through hands-on training provided by experiencedprofessionals, exposing their students to the best products andnewest techniques and preparing students for the beauty industry,the business world, and life.Christine Valmy mobile application lists all the school’scourses, informing the potential students as well as the currentones about the courses dates, info and prices. It also has aregistration form for each course and a photo gallery from previouscourses, schools, events and students. The contact page has all theinfo the user needs and links to company’s social media.Christine ValmyInternational School is a renowned beauty school students Committedto Helping Their full potential and realize Their professionalAchieve Their Greatest Ambitions through hands-on training providedby experienced professionals, exposing students to the best Theirproducts and newest Techniques and Preparing students for thebeauty industry, the business world, and life.Christine Valmy mobile application lists all the school'scourses, informing the potential students as well as the currentones about the courses dates, info and prices. Also it has aregistration form for each course and a photo gallery from previouscourses, schools, events and students. The contact page has all theinfo the user Needs and links to company's social media.
La Mircea Macelaru' 1.0
La Mircea Macelaru' ne mândrim cu câtevalucruri: mâncare pregătită cu suflet, de oameni care abia așteaptăsă gătească pentru dumneavoastră, produse din carne proaspete,transate în carmangeria proprie și o ambianță plăcută creată de unpersonal dedicat. Noi știm să alegem cu grijă cele mai buneingrediente pentru a va oferi gustul pe cinste, autentic românesc.Trebuie să încercați măcar o data pastramele noastre de porc, vităsau berbecuț și vă garantăm că veți spune tuturor prietenilor căați degustat cea mai bună pastramă din București!At Mircea Macelaru 'prideourselves on a few things: food prepared with soul, people justwaiting for you to cook, fresh meat products, cut into its ownbutchery and a pleasant ambience created by a dedicated staff. Weknow to choose carefully the best ingredients to offer taste quiteauthentic Romanian. You should try at least once our pastramelepork, beef or lamb and we guarantee that you will tell all yourfriends you've tasted the best pastrami in Bucharest!
MyAdvantage 1.0
Vantage Properties, ex CENTURY 21 Victoriei,has an experience of more than 5 years within the real-estate area.The team is formed by many experienced consultants, graduated andwho can speak several foreign languages. Our commercial references(major international companies, embassies etc.) and our largedatabase of properties underlines our big experience and knowledgeof the local market.With this app you can see the agency's offers in rental, buyingand selling properties.Vantage Properties, exCENTURY 21 Victory has year experience of more than 5 years Withinthe real estate area. The team is Formed by many experiencedconsultants, graduated and who can speak foreign languages​​Several. Our commercial references (major internationalcompanies, Embassies, etc.) and our large database of propertiesunderlines our big experience and knowledge of the local market.With this app you can see the agency's offers in rental, buyingand selling properties.
Li-Wu 1.3
Li Wu este un lant international derestaurantevietnameze prezente in Romania si Cehia. Preparatelenoastrerespecta retete si traditii vechi de sute de ani si suntrealizatefolosind cele mai proaspete ingrediente.Li Wu is aninternationalchain of restaurants Vietnamese present in Romania andthe CzechRepublic. Our preparations follow recipes and traditionsforhundreds of years old and are made using thefreshestingredients.
Anonymous Music 1.1
Anonymous strongly believes there is nobetterway to connect people all over the world than through music,as itrepresents the cure to everything and the universal language.We are a rather young agency for booking & events ontheclubbing scene, formed by a team of proffesionals, that canprovideyou with all the support you need.Remember, where words fail, music doesn`t, and we`re here tomakeyour hard times bearable and the great ones even moreamazing!Anonymousstronglybelieves there is no better way to connect people all overtheworld than through music, as it Represents the cure toEverythingand the universal language.We are a young agency Rather for booking & events ontheclubbing scene, Formed by a team of proffesionals, That canProvideyou with all the support you need.Remember, Where words fail, music doesn`t, and we`re here tomakeyour hard times bearable and the great ones Even moreamazing!
Four Seasons Restaurant 2.1
EXPERIENCE THE FLAVOURS OF LEBANON!Four Seasons Fine Lebanese Cuisine brings to Bucharestthedelicate and authentic flavors of the Lebanese cuisine in ordertogive you the opportunity to experience part ofLebanon'sculture!With this app, you can get in contact with the restaurant'sbothlocations, browse a gallery of the restaurant according tothelocation you choose, reserve a table and navigate totherestaurant's location with guided directions!EXPERIENCE THE FLAVOURSOFLEBANON!Four Seasons Fine Lebanese Cuisine brings to Mumbai thedelicateand authentic flavors of the Lebanese cuisine in order toGive youthe Opportunity to experience part of Lebanon'sculture!With this app, you can get in contact with the restaurant'sbothlocations, browse the gallery of the restaurant According tothelocation you choose, reserve a table and navigate totherestaurant's location with guided directions!
Joseph Hadad 1.1
Renumitul bucatar si al sau restaurantvorsurprinde gurmanzii cu un meniu gandit si pregatit minutiosdemainile sale experte!Renowned chef andhisrestaurant will surprise diners with a menu designed andpreparedpainstakingly for his expert hands!
TastingRoom 1.0
Locul unde bucataria fusion, slowcooking,ingredientele de calitate, naturale, locale, sezoniere seintalnesccu cele peste 800 de etichete de la Ethic Wine.Where fusion cuisine,slowcooking, quality ingredients, natural, local, seasonal meetwithover 800 labels from Ethic Wine.
Provence Restaurant 2.1
Provence is a full service restaurantinBucharest that holds events like weddings,anniversaries,conferences and others. The app help the customersfind out aboutthe restaurant's latest menus, with options to makebookings andreview the venue.Provence is a fullservicerestaurant in Bucharest That holds events likeweddings,Anniversaries, conferences and others. The app help theCustomersfind out about the restaurant's latest menus, with optionsto makebookings and reviews the venue.
Caffe Pascucci 1.1
Avandu-si originile in patria cafeleiespresso– Italia, Pascucci inseamna traditia unei cafele carecultivagustul pentru excelenta si rasfatul retetelor originaleinovatoare.Pascucci reprezinta un intreg concept dezvoltat in jurulcafelei decea mai buna calitate – pe langa cafenelele Pascucci,chintesentabrandului este reprezentata de podusul propriu-zis,cafeaua, dincare sunt preparate zeci de retete originale care iiimbie peclientii din cafenele proprii dar si din alte locuri undecafeauaPascucci se distribuie si se consuma.Originating inhomelandespresso - Italy Pascucci tradition means that cultivate atastefor coffee excellence and innovative pampering originalrecipes.Pascucci is a whole concept developed around the coffee ofthehighest quality - in addition to cafes Pascucci, thequintessentialbrand is represented by podusul proper coffee, whichare prepareddozens of original recipes lure customers who own cafebut in otherplaces where coffee Pascucci distributed andconsumed.
Ceasmania 1.3
Ceasmania este magazinul online al firmeiSCKAYA TIME SRL , unicul distribuitor al ceasurilor Guess, Gc(GuessCollection) si Escape in Romania. Avand o experienta de peste7 anide zile privind distributia acestor branduri in Romania, inprezentlivram produsele noastre in peste 60 de locatii din tara,inprincipalele magazine de ceasuri. Pentru mai multedetaliiverificati linkul: is theonlinestore of SC KAYA TIME Ltd., the sole distributor of watchesGuess,Gc (Guess Collection) and Escape in Romania. With anexperience ofover 7 years on the distribution of these brands inRomania,currently deliver our products in over 60 locations in thecountry,in major stores watches. For more details check the link:
EthicWine 1.0
Ethic Wine a fost fondat in 2008 dedoipasionati ai vinului, Bogdan si Cornel Sandu. Ideeamagazinuluieste de a oferi vinuri de calitate de toate nivelurilela preturicorecte.Avand stranse colaborari cu furnizorii, Ethic wineisiindeplineste misiunea cu succes, in momentul de fata avand ceamailarga gama de vinuri romanesti din Bucuresti alaturi de ofoartebuna selectie de vinuri din diferite colturi ale lumii.Asadar va asteptam in magazinul nostru sa-i cunoasteti peBogdan,Lucian si Dan dornici sa va ajute in alegerea vinului carevi sepotriveste.Ethic Wine was foundedin2008 by two passionate wine and Cornel Bogdan Sandu. Shop ideaisto provide quality wines for all levels at fair prices.With close collaboration with suppliers, wine Ethic fulfillsitsmission successfully, in the moment with the widest rangeofBucharest Romanian wine with a very good selection of winesfromdifferent parts of the world.So we expect in our store to know them Bogdan Lucian Danwillingto help you in choosing the wine that suits you.
CISO Dental 1.0
Prof.Dr. Giuseppe Scandale, medic chirurgcupeste 35 de ani experienta, a infiintat Clinica de ImplantologiesiSanatate Orala in 2007 din dorinta de a oferi pacientilorromaniservicii de chirurgie si stomatologie generala la cele maiinaltestandarde europene si la preturi romanesti. Scopul nostrueste de atransforma reabilitarea chirurgicala si stomatologiaintr-unserviciu medical accesibil tuturor.Prof.Dr.GiuseppeScandale, a surgeon with over 35 years experience, foundedtheClinic of Implantology and Oral Health in 2007 from a desiretooffer patients Romans surgery and general dentistry services tothehighest European standards and Romanian prices. Our goal is tomakesurgical and dental rehabilitation in a medical serviceaccessibleto all.
Green Day Spa 1.0
Cu un look proaspăt şi cochet dupăunrebranding integral, salonul de înfrumuseţare Green DaySpa,inaugurat în anul 2009, a extins aria serviciilor oferite,adăugândtratamentelor faciale şi corporale profesionale şi serviciibeautyrapide, precum hairstyling, make-up şi manichiură-pedichiură.Cu o echipă tănâră şi deschisă, o locaţie chic şi produsedeultimă generaţie, Green Day Spa rămâne salonul deînfrumuseţareunde întotdeauna vei găsi o evadare din rutina zilnicăşi dură aBucurestiului, astfel încât tu să îţi încarci bateriile şisă plecimereu cu zâmbetul pe buze!With a fresh look andcozyafter a full rebranding, Green Day Spa beauty salon opened in2009,has expanded its services, adding professional facial andbodytreatments and beauty services faster, and hairstyling,make-up andmanicure-pedicure .With a young and open a location chic and cutting-edgeproducts,Green Day Spa remains beauty salon where you will alwaysfind anescape from the daily routine and hard of the city, so youcancharge your batteries and always leave with a smile onthelips!
SlimArt 1.0
"When beauty meets science" - This is theCredoof our business, continuously trying to merge art and scienceinperfect harmony to obtain a synergy of beauty for our customers.Theend results being new beauty treatments for your body andmind,designed to satisfy and relax you.Staying true to our Credo, we bring you our own app,throughwhich you can get in touch with us, read about what we havetooffer you and even make appointments for your desiredbeautytreatment!"When beautymeetsscience" - This is the credo of our business, Continuouslytryingto merge art and science in perfect harmony to Obtain asynergy ofbeauty for our Customers. The end results being newbeautytreatments for your body and mind, designed to Satisfy andrelaxyou.Staying true to our credo, we bring you our own app, you cangetthrough Which in touch with us, read about what we have toofferyou and Even make appointments for your desiredbeautytreatment!
Estetica Plus 1.0
For over 12 years, we put our client'sneedsbefore our own, thriving to help them and offer them thebestservices possible.Now, we're taking the next step in this digital era,we'reoffering them an app through which they can get in contactwith us,read about what we have to offer them and even get firsthand newsfrom us about beauty tips or lifestyle!For over 12 years, weputour client's Needs Before our own, thriving to help Them andofferthe best services Them Possible.Now, we're Taking the next step in this digital era,we'reOffering Them Which year app through They CAN get in contactwithus, read about what we have to offer Them making and even getfirsthand news from us about beauty tips or lifestyle!
Fabrica de Jaluzele 1.0
Through this app you can get to knowthewonderful world of venetian blinds and stylish blinders withtheinformation offered by "Fabrica de Jaluzele"You can browse through a short description of each typeofblinder and even get some tips on how to handle them!
Manifest 1.0
Manifest is one of Bucharest's topsalons,spreading beauty, talent and creativity for more than sevenyears.With its eclectic and energetic team of professionals,broughttogether by Florin Noje, Ambassadeur L'Oreal Profeesional,Manifesthas made a commitment to deliver the best experience interms ofhaircuts, styles, colors and cosmetic services to theirclients,along with an appetite for permanent information andnovelty.